Ed. S48 Tower, Envigado, Colombia


Chem Fluid Colombia

Challenges and Opportunities in the Manufacturing of Inks with Anhydrous Ethyl Alcohol

The manufacturing of printing inks has evolved significantly, driven by stricter environmental regulations and increasing demand for sustainable solutions. Anhydrous ethyl alcohol has emerged as a key solvent in this context due to its low environmental impact and effectiveness in ink formulation, although its use presents technical challenges that require innovative solutions.

Advantages of Anhydrous Ethyl Alcohol
Anhydrous ethyl alcohol is highly valued for its ability to dissolve a wide range of organic compounds, facilitating rapid drying in high-speed printing processes. Its absence of water makes it a pure and less corrosive solvent, crucial for maintaining ink quality and prolonging the life of printing equipment.

Technical Challenges
Despite its advantages, the formulation of inks with anhydrous ethyl alcohol faces several challenges:

Material Compatibility: Anhydrous ethyl alcohol requires binder resins to be alcohol soluble, which can affect the stability of the pigment dispersion, especially with organic pigments such as copper phthalocyanine cyan. This can result in ineffective dispersion, compromising print quality.

Volatilization Rate: Although effective, anhydrous ethyl alcohol has a slower volatilization rate compared to solvents such as toluene or ethyl acetate. This can affect productivity in applications that require rapid drying.

Need for Specialized Dispersants: Conventional chlorine-based resins, used as dispersants, are insoluble in alcohols, limiting their application in inks based on anhydrous ethyl alcohol. Although non-chlorinated dispersants exist, their effectiveness in terms of dispersibility and printing properties is not yet completely satisfactory.

Opportunities and Innovations
Recent innovations are addressing these challenges, enabling more efficient and sustainable use of anhydrous ethyl alcohol in ink formulation:

Combined Formulations: The combination of ester-based solvents with alcohols such as ethanol has improved the stability of the pigment dispersion, maintaining printing productivity. However, it is essential to manage volatilization to avoid changes in solvent composition during printing.

Use of Innovative Resins and Dispersants: New resins are being developed, such as urea polyurethane resins, which are compatible with alcohols and offer better dispersibility of pigments. These resins allow greater stability in the ink, essential to maintain quality in long print runs.

Focus on Sustainability: The industry is focusing on reducing the use of petroleum-derived solvents, promoting the use of bioethanol and other biosolvents. These options are not only more sustainable, but also represent safer and cheaper alternatives in terms of regulatory compliance.

The use of anhydrous ethyl alcohol in ink manufacturing presents both challenges and opportunities. As the industry advances, formulation innovations and the adoption of more sustainable practices are shaping a future where alcohol-based inks are more efficient and environmentally friendly.

At Chem Fluid, we offer high quality ethyl alcohol suitable for various applications in the ink industry. Our expert advisors are available to provide advice and optimize your manufacturing processes, helping you take full advantage of the benefits of this key solvent. Contact us to find out how our solutions can drive your production to success.