Ed. S48 Tower, Envigado, Colombia


Chem Fluid Colombia

Anhydrous Ethyl Alcohol 99% in the Manufacturing of Bioplastics: A Sustainable Approach for the Future

In the search for more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternatives, the plastics industry has set its sights on bioplastics. These materials, derived from renewable resources, offer a viable option to reduce dependence on traditional, fossil fuel-based plastics. One of the key components in the production of bioplastics is 99% anhydrous ethyl alcohol. This chemical compound plays a crucial role in creating more sustainable and biodegradable plastic materials, contributing significantly to the circular economy and reducing the carbon footprint.

What is Anhydrous Ethyl Alcohol 99%?

Ethyl alcohol, also known as ethanol, is an organic compound that is obtained mainly through the fermentation of sugars and starches present in plants such as corn, sugar cane and other crops. When distilled and purified to 99% purity, anhydrous ethyl alcohol is obtained. This level of purity almost completely eliminates water content, making it highly effective for various industrial applications, including the manufacturing of bioplastics.

The Role of Anhydrous Ethyl Alcohol in the Production of Bioplastics

In the manufacture of bioplastics, 99% anhydrous ethyl alcohol is mainly used as a reactive agent in polymerization processes. Bioplastics, such as bio-based polyethylene (bio-PE) and polypropylene (bio-PP), can be produced through the fermentation and subsequent polymerization of ethanol. These biopolymers have similar properties to their petrochemical counterparts, but with the advantage of being derived from renewable sources and, in many cases, being biodegradable.

The process usually begins with the fermentation of biomass to produce ethanol. The ethanol is then dehydrated to obtain 99% anhydrous ethyl alcohol, which is essential for efficient polymerization reactions. In polymerization, anhydrous ethyl alcohol acts as a monomer or as a solvent that facilitates the formation of polymer chains. This approach not only reduces dependence on fossil resources, but also enables the production of plastics with a lower carbon footprint.

Types of Bioplastics

  1. Polymers based on renewable resources: They include materials such as PLA, derived from starch or sugar.
  2. Biodegradable polymers from petrochemical monomers: They comply with biodegradability and composting standards.
  3. Biotechnological bioplastics: Produced through the synthesis of monomers such as lactic acid and succinic acid.

Advantages of Bioplastics

  1. Sustainability: They use renewable raw materials.
  2. Biodegradability: They reduce the environmental impact.
  3. Reduction of CO2 Emissions: Lower emissions in its production.
  4. Versatility: Suitable for various industrial applications.

Challenges and Future Perspectives

Despite its numerous advantages, the production of bioplastics from anhydrous ethyl alcohol faces some challenges. One of the main ones is the cost of production, which can be higher than that of traditional plastics. Furthermore, the infrastructure for large-scale production is still developing and requires significant investments.

However, technological advancement and growing demand for sustainable products are driving research and development in this field. Innovations in biotechnology and production processes could reduce costs and improve the efficiency of bioplastics manufacturing.

Chem Fluid as a leading supplier of 99% anhydrous ethyl alcohol we have a commitment to sustainability that is reflected in the high quality of our products and we are constantly investing in advanced technologies that promote the efficient and responsible production of bioplastics. By offering an essential raw material for the manufacture of biodegradable and renewable plastics, Chem Fluid contributes significantly to the reduction of the carbon footprint and the development of a greener and more sustainable circular economy.