Ed. S48 Tower, Envigado, Colombia


Chem Fluid Colombia

Pharmacy, cosmetics and food, the uses of propylene glycol

Propylene glycol is known for its high purity, its transparent composition, and its low levels of volatility, making it one of the ideal raw materials to transport and maintain characteristics such as color, flavor, or moisture levels in products; Although its use in industries may seem simple and straightforward, the reality is that to be present in different industries, it must meet USP (United States Pharmacopeia) standards.

The regulations and quality standards allow the creation of a minimum of quality that must be met in the industry of the commercialization of raw materials, allowing for greater regulations of the products used in the construction of final products for distribution and consumption by final customers. 

These circumstances are what have allowed a marketer like Chemfluid to stand out and be preferred in a demanding and competitive environment, which is why we strive to maintain and take care of our quality policies.

The quality and purity of raw materials such as propylene glycol allows pharmaceutical industry products to be given the consistency or shape that the producer needs; Another reason for the relevance of propylene glycol in this industry is its ease in distributing the active ingredients with which it is mixed.

  • Vaccines
  • Anesthesia (local)
  • Analgesics
  • Vitamins
  • Among others…

Regarding the uses of the food industry, its function of transporting different distinctive characteristics of food stands out, since it is capable of carrying from aromas to nutrients, for this reason, it has been able to find an important use in the industry. of animal feed; It should be noted that although it has a wide spectrum of uses in the food industry, its use must be measured, there are regulations that explain in detail the amount that must be used in humans and animals. 

Lastly, for the cosmetic industry, it is one of the most widely used, its usability is key for the construction of cosmetic products, it allows the moisture of products such as creams and the composition of others such as nail polish remover to be preserved. Its uses are wide but the correct compositions depend on good management of quality raw materials. 

Regardless of the wide variety of applications that may exist for propylene glycol, everything comes together in the common importance of the quality of the chemical base, for this reason it is important to find quality marketers that are committed to delivering excellent results.